Connecting through Music
The OSA Choir, ages 18 and older, is a dedicated group of volunteer and professional singers who provide music for Sunday worship throughout the year and is directed by Keith Burton, Director of Music. Bi-weekly rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary for those who enjoy extra time working on the music for the season. On Sunday mornings, the choir meets at 10:15 am in the Sanctuary for a rehearsal in preparation for the 11:00 am service. The Choir does not sing every Sunday – two or three times each month, depending upon the time of the year - allowing participants flexibility with their schedules. A schedule is distributed in September of each year.

The Choir participates in various events in the church and the community, including the annual Christmas Festival performance, and occasionally a Spring Concert.
Call or email the church office (212-923-5757, office@osanyc.org) with your contact info if you are interested, or speak directly with Keith Burton after worship on Sunday morning.
Christmas Music Festival 2022

OSA has traditionally held an Advent or Early Christmas festival of lessons and carols to allow people who travel during the holiday times to have a Christmas celebration with their OSA family. This year, audio of the service was recorded and we share it here. The file was so large that we divided the service into two parts. To listen, click one of the links below. The second part begins with Pastor John's homily.

The OSA Handbell Choir, for those in 9th grade and up, play for worship about six times a year. Keith Burton, Director of Music/Organist, leads the group. Rehearsals are on Sunday morning, generally at 10:00 am on the Sundays the Handbells are scheduled to “ring”. A minimum group of six ringers is required for the bulk of the repertoire that we play, with occasional pieces requiring one or two more or less. Music reading is essential, and experience with keyboard or percussion instruments is helpful. Again, call or email the church office (212-923-5757, office@osanyc.org) with your contact info if you are interested, or speak directly with Keith Burton after worship on Sunday morning.

The Children’s Choir (grades 3 to 6) is under the direction of Jenny Crossman. This group rehearses Sundays as part of Sunday School activities. They generally present a Christmas Pageant each year, and sing on Palm Sunday and/or Easter Sunday. Speak with the Sunday School teachers if you are interested in having your child participate in the Children’s Choir.